Happenings in Content Mastery at Las Colinas Elementary

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Text to Self Connections

In reading we have been talking about making connections as we read. There are 3 types of connections, text to self, text to world, and text to text. While we are reading, discussing and sharing information I ask the students to tell me about the connections they make. For example, What does that remind you of? (T-S) What do you already know about this topic? (T-W) Does it make you think of another book you have read? (T-T).

I thought it was pretty clear until a student asked, "I get how you text yourself, but I don't know how to text the world." Ummm, sometimes context is everything. Time-out, back up, lets talk about what I mean by "text."

I think so often we expect students to just know what we are talking about. There was no language barrier here, I am using words she understands, just not in the context of the way she uses these words everyday. In this student's schema, a text is a message she gets on her phone. The text I am talking about is actual written word, or in this case a story that we were reading. She was having trouble making connections, not because she did not know what a connection was, but because she was trying to make sense of her idea of phone messages and what that has to do with reading a story.

I think if we take time to give a little more background, or investigate where the students understanding is in the first place, we could get a lot further in their understanding.

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